Wednesday, January 30, 2013

An un-tainted love for Valentines Day

I have always loved Valentines Day. It's just so beautiful with red and pink little hearts everywhere. Glue and glitter and of course CANDY!

I'm Valentines Day survivor. I survived YEARS of never receiving a valentine from a boy other than my father. I survived crowded high school hallways packed with girls carrying giant bouquets, teddy bears, and balloons.I survived never once being asked to a Valentine's day dance, and believe it or not the first time I ever had a date for Valentines Day was the year I got married 4 days before our wedding day. I survived it all and came out still loving Valentines day like a kid.

Of course I kept my head down in the halls those high school years. I pretended I didn't see everyone holding hands. I sat at home reading my Valentines from my parents and going out to eat with good 'ol mom and dad instead of going out for a romantic meal and to the school dance. At thirty years old I can honestly say "Who Cares!"

I have one of those great moms who says all the "mom lines" and of course she use to say to me, "that boy not liking you just means that the boy you're going to end up with is even better." Man, did I ever hate it when she'd say that, and of course I'd always say something back like, "but I don't want someone better, I want that boy." :) Mature huh? Of course my mother who is always right....was right.

I have a TON of young facebook friends and always around Valentines Day I see these super sad status updates that read something like - "Happy National Singles awareness Day." or the classics, " I didn't get a Valentine" and "I wish I had a boyfriend (or girlfriend whichever the case may be)." If I had one piece of advice to those people it's this: Don't let it ruin Valentines Day for you, Someday you'll have exactly what you always wanted, or maybe even something that you never knew you wanted, but don't let it get you down. Read those valentines from your parents and cherish them. Trust that Love is something greater than one day a year and when it finds you you'll have it all year and Valentine's day will just be cherry on top of the sundae you already have.

Today me the kiddos worked on making Valentines to send out to our family and friends. We sprinkled glitter, the boys painted, and we laughed. I'm so glad that I never let anything ruin Valentines Day for me. I can honestly say the only regret I have is that I didn't always appreciate the corny Valentines from my Dad. My mom of course still sends me one every year, but after all those years that I thought gee thanks the only one I'll get from a boy, my dad's card is now the only card missing.

Ending up with my Husband - totally worth never having a Valentines date :)

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