Monday, January 18, 2010

The greatest challenge

What do I think is the greatest challenge of being a stay at home mom? Long hours that consist of the kind of conversations I can only have with an almost two-year-old. The balance between giving my child enough one-on-one time and also allowing him enough freedom to become independent. I even sometimes find it challenging to carry on a conversation with another adult without mentioning my son or something humorous he did. However, none of these are the greatest challenge that I face day after day.

Not gaining an extra 10 lbs. each month; Now that is the greatest challenge of all! When I first had my son of course there was that time period where my focus was on "losing the baby weight" but after a few weeks that energy fades and you're still at home with a fully stocked refrigerator and all the potato chips that you can eat.

During "Joshua the early months" I was not quite as tempted as I have become as of late. I think this is because as they move into the toddler stages your child begins to understand snacking and desire snacks for him or herself. I find it increasingly difficult to hand my son a banana from the fridge without glancing one shelf up and seeing last nights delicious leftovers begging me to reheat them in the microwave. My son particularly likes Cheetos, and crackers. I have cut out the cheeto buying all together since I can eat an entire bag during one episode of Mickey Mouse while he tires from his snack after about 4 pieces and then proceeds to works off the calories by chasing the cat around the room. Crackers have however become my nemesis. I love the buttery rich flavor of round crisp Ritz crackers but have come to scowl in their presence after having been seduced by them on many occasions. After devouring an entire "sleeve" of crackers I usually find myself in a state of carb-angst, wishing I had never seen the crackers on sale at walmart for $1.98 a box.

I have been on fairly good behavior since the start of the new year, but heck that's only been about 20 days and I have years left before Joshua begins school and I think about returning to work. In short I think that any mother who stays at home with her children and does not weigh 200 lbs. is superhero, a woman to be revered. I encourage myself with these words:

"A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." Proverbs 25:28

1 comment:

  1. How about for men...I gained my extra weight when my wife was pregnant and she ate for two. I thought I should eat for two as well, only I didn't have a child...just kept the extra weight.
