Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I had read several status updates/rants/blogs written by disgruntled mothers who are feeling the "Pinterest Pressure" to do it all. It's kind of interesting to me as a Stay-at-Home mom and avid Pinterest user to see what all these ladies are saying. Bottom lining it for you, they are women who feel like they have to be a : Breastfeeding, clothdiapering, organic babyfood feeding, homeschooling, crafting, diy-ing, health nut, workout obsessed woman in order to be thought of as "worthwhile".

I am very few of the above mentioned list. I have never enjoyed exercise (gasp). Even when I use to work out everyday I never truly enjoyed it. I suffered a terrible abdominal wall injury from actually working out too strenuously and even after years of physical therapy the pain flares up unbearably when I begin exercising regularly other than yoga, walking and other mild & barely strenuous activities.

The one thing that I can say I have "worked out" in my life is finding my identity in Christ and what he values and deems worthwhile. I have worked very hard in my life to be completely satisfied with what God thinks of me and not the world, and it is hard work. Not that long ago I had to "unfriend" a friend on facebook because her obsession with her own body was invading my life. She was constantly (and probably still is for all I know) posting pictures of her half naked, completely toned, post baby body. I just don't need to see all of that, or feel like I need to measure up to it. I have never been or will be a size 0 (or 2, or 3, or 4.....the list could go on :)

My oldest son is turning 5 in a few weeks and the part of his party that I am the most excited for is NOT making the cake. That's right, contrary to what all the pictures on Pinterest tell me about making his birthday party perfect, I am not making him a homemade Spider-man cake. It has nearly killed me in the past to come up with some extravagant cake idea and this year I have already decided to buy one instead. When I told Luke he actually put his hands on my shoulders and said, "I am so relieved." He knows how seriously moms take these parties and he was thrilled that instead of putting my worth into how the cake turns out, I will this year be enjoying my sons birthday that much more. I am only doing the things that I want to do and love to do. I am making him a present, I put together hero capes for the party goody bags and I'm sure I'll decorate the house crazily, but because I want to.

If you have to- turn off the computer, unsubscribe from pinterest or unfriend the friend who is not doing your self confidence any favors, do it. God does not care how many homemade DIY items appear at my sons birthday party, or in my day to day life. He came so that I can have life and have it to the fullest, not to chain me to what the world deems valuable. I am very thankful that when I get to heaven God will not ask me how many cloth diapers I changed :) because the answer is 0. God didn't create us all to be the same and I am thankful for that.

I love Pinterest, but I don't find my self-worth in it, that belongs to Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Parties became soooo much more enjoyable for me when I started hiring out the cake! Wise words, thanks for the great post :)
