There have been a few minor bumps in the road since we arrived at our new home in Colorado. The pirate room seems to be on plan C currently. Once everything got unloaded from the moving trucks (which took about 3 hours, many men and a few women who worked VERY hard) Luke set to work trying to maneuver our crib into a toddler bed for Joshua. The plan was to convert the crib and then build a mast and add a ship's steering wheel to the bed to "pirate-it-up a bit". Well, in actuality the Crib doesn't turn into a toddler bed it turns into a transitional bed which will not work for a child as large as Joshua :(
Onto plan B for the bed we looked into buying a twin mattress and box spring and maybe making the steering wheel at the head of the bed attached to the wall.....well the cost was going to be similar to buying an entirely different bed at IKEA so Joshua is getting a very cool Plan C. The bed we bought for him yesterday is a little loft bed with a little cove underneath to play in and it has a tent that goes over the top. We are still planning on attaching the steering wheel and I will post a pic as soon as Luke finishes putting it together. He is hard at work on it as I type this. The last obstacle with the pirate room...for now that that the bedding I ordered was for a toddler bed and not a twin bed. Well, my mother has agreed to take a look at the sheets and see if she can add some material and sew something together. Also, last night at target I purchased a pirate red comforter for only 10 bucks! I think that will look pretty good with the pirate blanket he already has.
Things are coming together slowly but surely and I think that we will start painting his room late next week! I'll get some pics of the house up as soon as I get enough boxes unpacked. We are hard at work making Colorado our new home!
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