I've been contemplating putting the rest of our Christmas decorations away. We took our tree down last week already, and as a rule I usually pack up the rest after New Years day. It seems though that every year I get a little slower about tending to the task. I can remember my dad leaving our live Christmas tree up sometimes until my brother's birthday (Jan 10) and thinking how ridiculous it was. Now I think I can relate to the delay. Every year I feel less and less like undecorating.
While I was postponing my housework which today includes the packing up the Nativity, Christmas Village, and boughs of greenery I wondered about my sluggish attitude concerning the whole thing. I love Christmas. I love Everything about it. I love the cold air and snow, the bright lights, the tree, the presents, the warm glow of holiday spirit that exudes from every home as you drive down the streets at Christmas time. More than anything though, I love the feeling of hope. Christ was born. He was and still is our only hope. I came today to the conclusion that the one thing that fills me with the most joy at Christmas IS the one thing that I can have all year. The hope that I find in having a Savior. I don't know why it is so much easier to feel it at Christmas. Is Christ's presence in my life greater from November 24th until December 25th? Of course not. As a result my feeling of hope shouldn't fade after January 1st.
While I'm boxing up my wreaths and un-tying my ribbons today I feel as happy as the day I hung them up. Christ is in my life. He is my center and my guide, and it is because of Him that my life is as beautiful on Presidents Day as it is on Christmas Day. I desire to carry the Hope I feel at Christmas with my everyday, because I can carry Christ with me everyday.
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