Friday, November 9, 2012

Dominick the Donkey & Others

Well I made it to November 9th this year before wanting to pull out the Christmas decorations! When I mentioned it to Luke this morning he said I was much improved having made it past October this year. I'm pretty sure that every post from here to the end of the year will consist of Christmas ideas, thoughts, and obsessions. Don't worry Luke would never actually let me decorate this early :) but I can dream can't I?

I always look forward to decorating for Christmas. If you've known us long you know that we go ALL OUT for Christmas. In fact this year we are thinking about purchasing another tree! Our new home has room for 2 and we definitely have enough decorations for 2! Probably the item I am most looking forward to pulling out is the Advent Calendar I made the kids last year. I adore it, especially when there are 2 little boys jumping up and down in front of it eagerly anticipating Christmas!

I am truly raising little versions of myself in my children. When I got into the car this morning ready to drive Joshua to school, I heard him in the back seat asking to listen to Laurie Berkner Christmas. Now if you're a huge Laurie Berkner fan like my son is, you know she just released a new Christmas Album. I did however have to break it to him that I ordered it, but it wasn't here yet. My heart however filled with joy at the thought of him loving Christmas music as much as I do. Our all time family favorite is Dominic the Donkey. I cannot believe how many people have not heard it before! I grew up loving it,  my mother had it on a mix cassette tape that a friend had given her. When itunes first emerged I searched out all of my favorites from this tape she had always played at Christmas time, and downloaded  them so that I could cherish all those memories of her and I decorating the house together, her singing and me finding her ridiculous. Now I can play them all and my children can find me just as ridiculous. I love how God works things out in life :) Here is a link to Dominick if you have never heard it I hope you will love it as much as we do! It's just silly nonsense, but we've found the more you listen to it, the more you listen to it! My next random favorite is Christmas in Killarney also from my mother's mix tape and now a favorite of my children as well. Of course my heart belongs to truly Christ centered songs like O Holy Night, but there's something about a little Christmas silliness that I enjoy as well.

I was gone most of this week on an annual retreat. A friend (Marci) and I yearly escape our everyday lives for a Tuesday through Thursday trip. We refresh, catch up with eachother, and try to re-center our focus on Christ. This year my eyes were opened as usual. We spent time discussing forgiveness and reading about it. I've never felt so convicted by Matthew 18:24-31. How many times have I hesitated to forgive someone because of how great I felt their debt to me was (how much I hurt). Yet, how ridiculous do I look to God who has forgiven me so much greater a debt (and done it over and over and over again.) We also meditated on Matthew 18:21 & 22. How many times must I forgive? Seventy times Seven. Jesus told Peter face to face, forgive and do it over and over and over. No matter how many times I've read this, every time I need to hear it again, it is like reading it for the very first time, and feeling convicted for the very first time all over again.

Wrapping up my thoughts on a lighter note- Marci and I also had a good chuckle as we listed a few of our favorite Christmas movies. Surprisingly Christmas in Connecticut topped both of our lists! So here is my top 10 favorite Christmas movies, and by this I mean the movies I can watch over and over and over......

10. The Santa Claus II
9. It's a Wonderful Life
8. Home Alone
7. Disney's Christmas Carol
6. How The Grinch Stole Christmas
5. Christmas With The Cranks (another tear jerk-er)
4. The Christmas Card (I cry every time I watch it)
3. Holiday Inn
2. Christmas in Connecticut
1. Holiday Affair

I know the first thought of many of you is how is A Christmas Story not on the list, but honestly I don't really like that movie that much. I might watch it if it's on tv, but even then I'm not a big fan. I also don't get into Christmas Vacation much either. Luke is your guy if you're into those, but I like the classics.

One of my favorite pics from last Christmas!!!!