It's New Years Eve and I was just thinking to myself that one of the things I'd like to do in 2011 is be more committed to my blog. Well, the good news is I just checked it and I only wrote 3 entries this year so that shouldn't be too difficult to top!
One thing I've been thinking about often since my dad passed away, nearly a month ago, is how life can change course in the blink of an eye. You can think that you're heading toward one goal and in just a seconds time your life can spin 180 degrees towards a place you never thought you'd be. New years is a time that many people make resolutions and even those who don't make a formality out of it still, like myself, give some thought to the year ahead. So what am I thinking about 2011?
I am thinking deeply about Proverbs 16:9 "Man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."So many things happened in my life in 2010; some were good like the birth of my new son on November 5th and some more difficult to take, like the passing of my father on December 2nd. So many times it's easy for us to think "I'm so glad this year is over, the next has to be better" or "I'm going to make this a better year than the last." The truth of the matter is that we can only make plans, and trust in where the Lord directs our steps to go.
Was 2010 a great year for me? It was a year I felt more sadness and more loss than any other year before it, but I can say that 2010 took me where the Lord directed. I find a peace in knowing that. If I lived a life where I truly felt that I was in control of everything that happened then maybe I would be relieved to begin a new year. January 1st however, is no more of a clean slate than is every second of life lived in Christ.
I'm thinking that 2011 is going to be great. I'm excited to watch my 2 boys grow and learn new things. I'm looking forward to celebrating 5 years of marriage to sweet husband. I'm hoping to spend more time with my mother and I'm praying for the Lord to heal her broken heart as he draws her closer to Him. But in making plans for 2011 I know that following the Lord's will for my life is all that I can do, because I make the plans, He directs my steps.